Remembering babies gone too soon.
Meet our coordinator: Jen
The motivation of the Twinkle Star Project is my son, Sebastian Laurence, who we met only to say both hello and goodbye in December of 2016. Cradled in our hands, our beautiful son was passed back and forth between us, his tiny body nearly lost in a regular-sized swaddle blanket. Provided to us was a large wicker baby basket; not the best for photographs nor for being able to feel and hold him close in those few precious hours. We left the hospital with broken hearts and empty arms, knowing that we’d transform our love for Seb into a project that would give back to the community and help to raise awareness on pregnancy loss.
It is my hope that the Twinkle Star Project continues to grow and honour the many babies that are lost year after year, leaving parents to grieve in silence. Although parents are leaving the hospital with empty arms, it is my hope that the gift of a handcrafted basket made specifically for their baby will provide some solace in the realization that someone is thinking about them.